How Will You Keep Your Best & Brightest Employees?

The recession caused almost every company in America to downsize, right-size, furlough, reduce benefits, cut expenses to the bone and basically, white knuckle it until things got better. Although the recession seems to be lifting, managers are still afraid to loosen their grip, and rightly so.

The experience was traumatic for everyone. Between the survivor’s guilt and being asked to do more with much less to keep the business afloat, the best and the brightest are re-evaluating their options. At the beginning of the year, the Department of Labor noticed a new trend. More people were quitting their jobs than were being laid off.

A recent report published by Watson Wyatt Worldwide affirms that top performers are increasingly dissatisfied with their jobs. They are choosing to leave for better working conditions, opportunities and resources.  To keep the best and brightest stars of your organization, you are going to need to create a new value proposition for them. As the economy improves, employees will need to see that their future with your company will improve as well.

One effective strategy is a comprehensive professional mentoring program that will help them through the transition; concretely demonstrate your commitment to their professional growth, ensure a lower turnover rate and greater job satisfaction. To be successful the program should be structured, begin with training that prepares both mentoring partners to make the most of the relationship and consistent support from senior management.