Facebook CEO, Sheryl Sandberg: Serial Mentee, Serial Mentor

No matter how privileged, smart, talented and lucky you are…no one does it alone. Being mentored and being a mentor are integral to your success...If your company or professional association has a mentoring program, my advice is to take full advantage. If it doesn't you can seek out someone to mentor or someone to be your mentor. I’ll talk about that in my next post.

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The Boomer Brain Drain: Unprecedented Opportunities for Future Leaders

Companies will need to cultivate the young leaders they have so the Boomer Brain Drain has as little impact as possible on their organizations and their stock options. Many won't. That's why GenXers and a significant number of Millenials who aspire higher, will need to prepare themselves for leadership and management roles no matter where they work.

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Do Some of the World’s Worst Bosses Work for YOU?

Bad bosses cause poor morale and lower productivity. Creating a learning environment through mentorship is one strategy that can help turn things around over time.

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Aspire Higher, new Slimbook by Susan Bender Phelps

Compelling stories of mentoring success that will challenge you to appreciate the value of the mentors in your life, and then inspire you to pass that value on through active mentoring of another person in your life.

Continue ReadingAspire Higher, new Slimbook by Susan Bender Phelps